So it seems as though some people still check out my site from time to time. Surprising as it is, I know this fact because I have been complimented by a select few individuals, reminding me of the wonderful job I am doing of completely ignoring it for the past year! (it's been longer than that even) There are a few reasons for this lack of uploading work.
Firstly, I'm a rightist.
I work on things until they are right, and then I move on. Some people would say it's just perfectionism, but really I set out to make what is in my head. Once I complete a project I tend to upload it to the site and move onto the next thing. The problem with this past (final) year (at University) is that time has not always been on my side, and as such I have not been able to make everything as I imagined them! So once I actually have content that is done and finished and exactly how I want it they will be ready to be uploaded. But that brings me to my next problem.
I'm not a web designer.
And as such the website I made 3+ years ago was easily navigable and somewhat nice to look at, but when it came to actually updating stuff I found myself cursing my remedial html abilities. Updating took a good chunk of time out of my day, and because I knew that this would happen, I spent the time doing other more important things, like my final major project, or winding down playing video games (which is of course very necessary sometimes).
And last but not least, I tend to put things off if they aren't urgently important. This is bad, and I am a bad person for it. However if people's lives were dependent on the freshness of my site then I would update it every single day. But I don't think people are like that (I hope).
So there you have it, a barrage of excuses for you to digest and spit back out when you realise how illegitimate they sound. BUT there is a ray of hope, in the form of this NEW site that you may have noticed set up now. The idea is that I have given up my oh so amateur web developing abilities to this Weebly DIY website creator which won't be the flashiest (or personal) of websites, but it will hopefully mean the return of (semi) frequent updates! So rather than an update every year, I might update it every half year! How good is that?!
ps This attached blog will also hopefully act as a news feed for those times when I come up with more excuses for not uploading any work.
Firstly, I'm a rightist.
I work on things until they are right, and then I move on. Some people would say it's just perfectionism, but really I set out to make what is in my head. Once I complete a project I tend to upload it to the site and move onto the next thing. The problem with this past (final) year (at University) is that time has not always been on my side, and as such I have not been able to make everything as I imagined them! So once I actually have content that is done and finished and exactly how I want it they will be ready to be uploaded. But that brings me to my next problem.
I'm not a web designer.
And as such the website I made 3+ years ago was easily navigable and somewhat nice to look at, but when it came to actually updating stuff I found myself cursing my remedial html abilities. Updating took a good chunk of time out of my day, and because I knew that this would happen, I spent the time doing other more important things, like my final major project, or winding down playing video games (which is of course very necessary sometimes).
And last but not least, I tend to put things off if they aren't urgently important. This is bad, and I am a bad person for it. However if people's lives were dependent on the freshness of my site then I would update it every single day. But I don't think people are like that (I hope).
So there you have it, a barrage of excuses for you to digest and spit back out when you realise how illegitimate they sound. BUT there is a ray of hope, in the form of this NEW site that you may have noticed set up now. The idea is that I have given up my oh so amateur web developing abilities to this Weebly DIY website creator which won't be the flashiest (or personal) of websites, but it will hopefully mean the return of (semi) frequent updates! So rather than an update every year, I might update it every half year! How good is that?!
ps This attached blog will also hopefully act as a news feed for those times when I come up with more excuses for not uploading any work.